How (and Why) to Change Your DNS Server | PCMag

Same thing here, I just reinstalled WIndows and it won't connect to the server to install. I've cleared the dns, made sure it had plenty of permissions, turned off anti-virus and firewall, run as administrator, added the address to the dns host file, tried on other computers on my home network.. Jan 12, 2018 · The DNS server isn't responding Your computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding The device will not be able to reach the internet when On this pop-up window you'll see Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically are checked. Change it to Use the following DNS server address . Then insert the numbers I gave in the previous post. (Try the first set and then Google's set ). I have exactly the same issue with fifa 18, started last night around 12 hours ago, went to login and can’t, psn works fine just when I go into fifa 18 will never connect to server comes up with “connecting to the ea servers” then after around 30 seconds comes up with “you lost your connection to the ea severs.

can't connect to internet due to DNS errors - Dell Community

I'm doing this for a university assignment - I have to set up a DNS server manually and test if a client can connect to it, but it wasn't specified how exactly I should test that last part, so I'm at a bit of a loss (since I have almost no experience with Ubuntu). DHCP was a different assignment. DNS Servers: What Are They and Why Are They Used? May 08, 2020 Why I can’t connect PC to the Domain? -

DNS is down - so your Windows 7 clients can't resolve domain names to IP addresses (a broken internet experience) DHCP is down - so your Windows 7 clients can't retrieve new details via ipconfig /release or /renew ; So that's why they can't browse the web. As a quick fix, configure your server's DHCP role to provide Google DNS ( as

If you continue to have issues after entering the above DNS server addresses, contact your Internet service provider. Click OK and close all windows. Press the Windows + R key, type services.msc into the Open field, and then click OK . [SOLVED] Unable to ping domain name but can ping IP - DNS Feb 19, 2018 How to Fix Can't Communicate With The Primary DNS Server Jan 05, 2018 You cannot manage a remote DNS server by using RSAT or the Mar 04, 2011